Thursday, February 24, 2011

"The rocks in the water don't know how the rocks in the sun feel." -Haitian Proverb

The quote "The rocks in the water don't know how the rocks in the sun feel" is a great way to express how we could never fully understand what it is like to be another person if we simply judge them with no evidence of their past.  The "rocks in the water" would never know how the  "rocks in the sun" feel because they come from completely different places.  When confronting somebody new, it is natural to judge the person by their appearance or the way they act.  But why is that?  We don't know anything about them, yet we seem to generalize who this person is by first impressions.  In order to truely judge someone, one would have to know everything about the person.  They would have to look deeper than their outside appearances and really take time to understand where they are coming from.
This quote does a great job of depicting how two people, coming from different worlds, can be vastly different due to their environment and how they were raised.  My friend Manuel and I are a perfect example of this.  Manuel lived in Mexico for most of his life and moved here about two years ago.  Because he was different from everybody else, it was really hard for him to make friends at school.  I, at first, thought he was a little strange but as I got to know him and understand where he was coming from, it became easier to figure him out as a whole and we eventually became very good friends.
A similar quote to this is "You can never truely understand someone untill you walk in their shoes.".  It focuses on the same issue of coming from different worlds and never really understanding what a person is all about untill you take time to fully understand them.  There is a lot of misunderstanding in this world, and these quotes do a great job of trying to fix those problems.  If everybody lived by these quotes, the world would surely be a better place. 

Thursday, February 17, 2011

I Am From...

I am from Doug and Debborah, Owen and Donna, and Adele and Paul
From St. Louis and from the open waters of Silver.
from the freezing winters and hot summers.
I am from deer hunters, and fish catchers.
I am from corn flake chicken and homemade vegetable soup.
I am from light-heartedness, humor, and generosity
I am from "inside or out", "ask your father", and "When i was younger..."
I am from the long, boring Catholic masses, eating the bread, and drinking the wine.
From teachers, acountants, writers, and singers.
From Black Label skateboards and Pokemon cards
From Super Nintento, Sega, and Xbox.
I am from Weiner dogs and chihuahuas.
I am from finding myself through music.
From not knowing if i should say something, but saying it anyway.
I am from not regrets.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

My Review of The King's Speech

                My Weekend was pretty good.  My friend and I went and saw The King’s Speech.  The movie is basically about this guy that is next in line to be the king of England, who suffers from a speech impediment.  The job of being King entails him to have to speak publically so he has to undergo therapy in order to control his stammer.   The whole movie is based around the relationship between the future king and his therapist.  It is rated R purely based on the language.   The film is an Oscar and Golden Globe nominee and Colin Firth, King George the 6th, won a Golden Globe for best actor in a motion picture.  Although at times I thought the movie was kind of boring, I personally thought the movie was really good and very well acted.
                What this movie lacks in action and violence, it makes up for it in the extremely believable acting.  Colin Firth’s take on King George the 6th is so convincing and really grabs your attention.   I would not recommend taking young children or people with short attention spans to see this movie.  This movie is definitely for mature teenagers or adults not because of the R rating, but because of the seriousness and sincerity of it.  Overall, it was very enjoyable and I am glad I saw it.