Monday, January 31, 2011

Who Is Eric Arney?

My name is Eric Arney. I am 19 years old and I live in Highland Illinois.  I grew up in St. Louis up until I was about 11 when my family moved to Highland.  I went to Triad High School and graduated in 2010.  I am currentely going to SWIC and I'm going to pursue something in the business field. 
             Hobbies of mine include biking, running, music, movies and playing many musical instruments including guitar, banjo, ukulele, and mandolin.  Music has always been a huge part of my life.  Ever since I can remember I was hooked to it.  I like a lot of different styles of music but if I had to pin-point a specific genre of music that a prefer over the others it would probably be  indie/folk rock. I am a huge fan of the Beatles. In fact, they were probably the band that had the biggest effect on me.  The great diversity in their music and the chemisty and undertanding that the members had with each other just drew me in.  George Harrison not only made me want to pick up the guitar, but he also made me want to learn more instruments due to the fact that he was talented in many stringed instuments.
            I like to meet new people, so if you want to comment or message me that is encouraged. Thanks!


  1. I'm pretty connected to my music too. I get depressed if I leave my iPod at home. And I gotta respect The Beatles. Without them I wouldn't have my Metal.

  2. Yeah, I agree. They definitely paved the way for a lot of great modern music.
