Thursday, March 24, 2011

Indie/folk rock

Recently, I have been getting into more of an indie/folk rock phase of music.  I do like a lot of different genres of music, but as of late I have been consistent in a specific genre that has recently caught my eye.  This genre consists of a fantastic melodic sensibility and a diverse arrangement of many different instruments.  Consistency is not a key attribute for this genre because a lot of their songs sound different from the next. Another attribute that most of these bands share are deep and meaningful lyrics that are very relatable.
Mumford and Sons falls into this category.  They are gaining a lot of commercial success and they actually played at the Grammy’s.  They have a very interesting sound that is very light-hearted.  they come from England and play many unusual instruments for a rock group that include the stand-up bass, trumpet, banjo, mandolin, and a few others.  Another great musician is a man called Ryan Adams.  He is probably most famous for is terrific cover of Oasis's Wonderwall. He has a fantastic melodic sensibility and is very diverse in his music ranging from hard rock, to pop, to country, and so on.
Indie/Folk is a very interesting genre that is gaining a lot of fans as of late and I am definitely one of them.  I think this is great news because the majority of popular music today is very simple and catchy and lacks deeper meaning and complexity.  Indie/folk rock may just prove that stereotype to be wrong.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for sharing some of your music interests. I am always looking for new good music.
