Monday, May 9, 2011


            Golf is a sport that I really love to play.  I used to hate it when I was younger.  My dad would watch golf on the television and I would usually die of boredom.  I thought it lacked in action and was too laid back.  Now, these are the reasons who I love golf so much.
            Golf is the most relaxing sport there is.  You go out there and forget about all your worries and just hit some golf balls.  The golf courses are always very nice.  The scenery is very peaceful.  Not to mention you get to ride around in golf carts throughout the game. 
            Golf is underrated.  People seem to compare it to other sports like football and hockey, but they shouldn’t.  It is completely different.  It is a totally different experience. 

New Versus Old

            I am not that crazy about new video games.  Even though they have amazing graphics and are extremely realistic, I find myself getting bored with them easily.  They seem to lack something that interests me in video games.  I grew up in the 90’s, so I played a lot of Super Mario Brothers, Sonic the Hedgehog, and other games of that nature. 
            I had a thought recently that maybe I am just growing up, and that video games just don’t interest me anymore.  That would explain why I am not interested in the newer stuff.  Not because it is not as good as the older video games, but because I have simply grown up.  This is false.  My friend recently set up my Xbox so that I can play thousands of older games for free.  I have been playing them nonstop for a week. 
            The conclusion is I am not growing up.  I just love the old school video games so much more than the newer ones.

Free Ticket

            A couple months ago, I went to a concert at the SLUE campus.  A really good band was playing there called Vampire Weekend.  I have always been a fan of their music, but did not know they were playing in my area till about a week prior to the show. 
            My brother called me up and told me he got two free tickets to see Vampire Weekend and he wanted to take me.   I was very excited until I heard the day it was on.  That very day I told a fellow co-worker that I would work for him the day of the concert.  I was in a pickle.  I really wanted to see Vampire Weekend, but I also didn’t want to come off as a jerk and tell my co-worker I couldn’t work for him. 
            I eventually gave up hope on the concert and decided that I would follow through with what I promised my co-worker.  That was until I got a phone call from another co-worker of mine.  She said she was desperate for more hours and would be grateful if I gave her some of mine.  Obviously, I was overjoyed and gave her the hours that would have taken away a free ticket and a great time.
            This was a very fortunate occurrence for me.  The band was phenomenal and I had a wonderful time. 

The Gym

            I have recently found out that my mom has signed the family up for a membership to the local gym for about a year now.  Apparently, she forgot to tell me about this, so I have not been going.  When I found out, I was excited and a little angry that I wasn’t informed of this a year ago, but I soon got over it.  
            Now that I had incentive to go to the gym, I tried to go a lot.  I soon began to go less and less due to the weight of school and work.  Hopefully during the summer, I will be less swamped and more willing to go work out.


          When I was in middle school and early high school, I used to skateboard religiously.  Every day my friends and I would go to the local skate park and skate for hours until we grew tired.   Skateboarding was a huge part of my childhood.  I used to feel a rush every time I got on the board.  I eventually grew out of that phase, up until a couple of weeks ago.
            I have recently been getting back in my roots of skateboarding.  I have been skating with a few of my old buddies I used to skate with. It is like we never gave it up.  Although, I am not nearly as good as I used to be, I still have a great time just hanging out with my old friends and trying to re-master old tricks I used to do.

Road Trip

           I plan on having a great time this summer.  A couple of friend and I have been planning a trip to California.  I have been saving up for a long time and this summer is going to be the year we go.  My friend has some family in California so we won’t have to pay for a hotel which is going to help greatly. 
            We are going to drive there and everyone will pitch in on gas and food.  This is going to be really great for a couple of us because a lot of us have never left more than 4 states.  This will give us the chance and the experience to visit a lot of interesting areas throughout the United States.   We are all really excited about it.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Aging With A Series

One of my favorite books I used to read were the Harry Potter books.  I remember thinking it was the best thing ever.  The thing I have found interesting about the Harry Potter series is that it ages with the people that read it or watch the movies.  The first couple books were about Harry potter when he was about 11 or 12 years old and it ends with him being around 17.  
    In the beginning, it was relevant to a younger audience.  There wasn’t much violence and the endings felt more joyful and happy.  The story line was pretty basic too.  Harry goes to his wizard school and finds out that people are up to no good, so he takes it upon himself to solve the problem.  The result usually ends with harry stopping the plan, but not ultimately stopping the person behind the plan.
In the later books, The story definitely got darker and more interesting.  There was way more violence and death. The characters began to develope and there was a sense of disaster and dismay. It seemed more real, even though it’s a story about magic.  
The thing that I admire about these books/movies is that many people never out-grew it.  The story increases in age just as the readers do.  

Britsh/US Office

One of my favorite shows of all time is the office.  I've watched it ever since the first season.  It's a very witty and funny show staring Steve Carell, Rain Wilson, and Jenna Fisher.  There was a British Office staring Ricky Gervais that was, in my opinion, just as good.  
The two shows are similar in a lot of ways.  They both consist of a clueless boss that thinks he is the greatest and is the regional manager of a paper company.  The two shows also have other characters that share similar attributes.  It has a similar story in which the receptionist and a salesman obviously have feelings for each other, but the receptionist has a fiance.  Throughout the show they both never seem to get the timing right.  The shows also share an ignorant character that is excessively confident in himself, but is obviously an idiot.
There are also many differences too.  The name and places are different.  The British Office, although highly critically acclaimed, only aired for two seasons, consisting of 6 episodes for each season.  The US Office is currently on it's 7th season consisting of roughly 20 episodes a season. Lastly, in the British Office the main boss gets fired, while in the American Office the main boss quits due to personal issues.  
All in all, the main concept of the shows are very similar, but are obviously two different shows in the overall story and character development.